Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Month of July!

Wow...yet another month has passed in this summer of 2008! Hard to believe, I know. Bryon will be home on Saturday! I'm pretty excited. Okay, that's an understatement, so at the risk of sounding like a girly girl, I'll go ahead and say it. I am thrilled for him to be back home! I seriously cannot wait!
What, some may ask, have I done while the boyfriend has been gone for a month? Lots of things! Seriously! Things like helping my friend when it came to desperate measures with her 24 member VBS class of 6 year olds at her church. Let's see, I re-arranged my bedroom with Emilee. I have worked, and last but most certainly not least, I planned a surprise trip up to D.C. to see Bryon the weekend after his birthday (July 24th, Thursday!) Darlene, my Aunt De, and myself departed on July 25th, this past Friday, and headed up to D.C. together! What a great time of fellowship and getting to know one another on a whole new and different level. As I sat in the back seat listening to my aunt and Bryon's momma talk to each other, I was all of a sudden thankful for what the Lord has given me. I am thankful for my family, the ones that have taken such great watch over me and my brother since my momma died when I was in the seventh grade. Not only am I thankful for mine, but also for Bryon's family, the ones who I have come to know and love. I realize that God has put such wonderful people in my life for a reason. How else can I sum it up other than to simply say, "I am blessed."
Needless to say, the trip up was hilarious, the time spent there was priceless, and the departure wasn't half as sad as it was when we left Bryon for a month! That might sound wimpy, but again, I'm serious! I'm not the best when it comes to goodbyes! (I am told by my grandpa that it's never "Goodbye", but "See you later". I like that.) Anyways, this time, telling Bryon 'see you later' meant only for one week as opposed to one month, so all was good and well. I'll never forget the trip. Arriving, surprising Bryon as he came into Rockefeller's Office, getting a personal tour from the most handsome tour guide I've ever saw, eating cupcakes from a gift box for Bryon's birthday in the hotel room, lots of nighttime walking and metro adventures, good talks, one trip off the sidewalk, a morning run, and a dinner at the Cheesecake factory. I wouldn't trade the memories for the world!

I love this boy.

Happy late birthday, BryoN!
How cool is this?! On Friday evening, Aunt De, Darlene, and I were riding the escalator up from the metro and we heard classical music. We actually commented on how pretty it sounded, just assuming that it was being played over the loud speaker for some reason. Here's what we saw at the top of the escalator!
This is my friend, Toni. She didn't want her picture taken, even after I asked her. This is the best shot of us together. I have no clue what I'm doing with my arm, here. If you look close, she's checking out my phone. Haha.
The Twins. I'm sure you recognize them, Bryon! The girl in the back of this picture in the pink shirt found me one evening and asked me to tell her about Jesus! I did and we prayed together and she invited Him into her heart!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!
Digging for fossils at the Dino Detective themed Bible School.
Here's an interesting conversation that I had with a little girl before VBS started one night at the church.
Erin is excited about heading up her surprise trip to see Bryon in D.C. She looks to her left at the little blond headed girl who grabs her cell phone and asks about the picture of Bryon.
"That's my boyfriend!" I say to the little girl. "He is sooo handsome!" I say in an over exaggerated voice.
After scrunching up her nose to me (I guess I forgot that guys have cooties at this age) she asks his name.
"Bryon" I tell her. I also go on to say, "He's been gone for a month now. He works in Washington D.C. His birthday is soon, and I'm going to go and surprise him there! I am making him a cake to take, too!"
The little girl looks at me. She is excited now. "Great! That's cool" she tells me.
"What flavor of cake do you think I should make?" I wondered outloud.
With a serious tone, she answers, "Chocolate. Boys like chocolate cake, with chocolate icing." if the poor 6 year old cared about my relationship with my boyfriend, I found myself talking it up with her and enjoying it! I can't wait to teach!
I just thought her answer was cute, and I thought I'd share it.
Is it true? Do all boys really prefer chocolate cake over yellow...or even strawberry?!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 24th, 2008! Happy Birthday, Bryon Douglas Collier!

Bryon with Brandy. I like this picture.

Bryon, here's what we have on the board at home! I don't have a picture of your mommas, but she has "Happy birthday, Boys! Philip, Bryon, and Timothy!" on hers.

I might have already wrapped your presents! Okay, I really did...but I just couldn't wait. Guess what's inside!!!!!!! I'm sure the anticipation is just killing you.

And I thought you might enjoy what was published in the Parthenon today on your birthday. None other than the New dorms. I thought you might appreciate me mentioning this in my entry!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving this person that I've come to know first as a friend, and them whom I've grown to love 21 years on this earth with his wonderful family and friends. Thank you for his faith in you. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opprotunity to start my first ever job in an office at Marshall where I knew no one, because it's there that you allowed Bryon and me to cross paths. Thanks for giving me the courage to tell him "Yes I will to go the MU cafe with you". Lord, thank you most of all for his salvation. I ask that you give him a wonderful day, because I think he deserves it. Keep him safe, and please also bring him home safe! I ask that you continue to use him in this last week in D.C., and I pray that others will see a difference in him that shines your love of kindness and care brightly. He's an encouragement to me, and I know you will use him for great, and eternal things!

Happy Birthday, again, Bryon!

Everyone here in WV/OH loves you!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

These Pictures are for Bryon!

Emilee and me...we decided to take some pictures tonight. This one was Emilee's idea. She said, "Erin, let's take a picture for him that is a 'typical ErinandEmilee' picture." So, here's what we ended up with.drewandemilee
Bryon-this is the one that they wanted me to put on here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Go ahead! Be jealous!

I got to watch Philip the other night! What a great kid! I'm tellin' ya, those big brown eyes and that happy personality just make a perfect combination of a really sweet boy. Oh my goodness, from playing baseball (IN the house...don't worry, though, it was a small play set), to watching tv while sitting on my shoulders, to rocking him to sleep...this was an evening that really was enjoyable for me. I'm here to say, if I ever have a kid who's big eyes look as pitiful and sad as Philip's did when I put him down in his crib and they cry big ol' tears for me to come back in and pick them back up and rock them to the music on their cd player like me and Philip did, I'll probably wimp out and do it most every time. Hey!...Who in their right mind would even think twice about turning around and going back to try and console a baby like Philip?!

We were playing with some toy that had music and colorful, spinny things, here.

In the meantime...
Aunt De, myself, and my grandma attended a wedding on Saturday. Rach went, too, but she's the one that took this picture.
...and this picture below just makes me laugh because of how well I know my family. Here we are at the gas station after church...all of us in the van. Emilee is not being serious, but is really telling Drew, my brother, how she feels about the words to the song that was just playing on the radio. I think they were disagreeing about how the song went. The look on Drew's face? Oh that one's easy. This is my brothers signature look that says without words, "I'm thinking of something funny to say to you as soon as you finish yelling".

And look! Bryon made me this bracelet...the blue and yellow one in the picture. It's my favorite piece of jewelry for the time being!

Bryon, I <3 you.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Call me wierd, but I felt like writing in 'story' form...?

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a young lady and a young man. Both the young lady and the young man loved each other and also loved spending time together. As they grew older with each passing day, both were beginning to realize more and more that life's lessons really never end. They came to this conclusion the night of July 3rd, 2008, when the young man was getting ready to venture off to his nations capitol to work for some time. You see, the Lord had placed an unexplained desire in the heart of this young man. A desire to make a difference in any way he possibly could, even if it meant leaving loved ones or home and staying away in a new and exciting place for a while. This young man was a very passionate who had the potential to do great things with his knowledge and zest for life. The young lady, the one that he loved, was able to go with the young man and his two parents to take him to the nations capitol. Even though she may have acted nervous or sad a couple different times, she had a genuinely good time being with the young man and his family. They let her know that they wanted her there with them to share in the experience. She will never forget the way that feeling felt. So as mentioned earlier in the story, the young lady and the young man were learning more of life's lessons as the 5 day trip quickly passed by. The young lady learned that she needs to trust in the Lord. She also learned that she needs to enjoy the time that the Lord has given her with such wonderful people. I believe both the young lady and the young man saw on that trip that there's no need in worrying about what tomorrow holds, because the One that holds tomorrow is going to take care of it for them. As the young man showed the young lady around, she noticed his excitement for her to see the things that he was fascinated with. His parents made the trip to the nations capital funny and enjoyable, while the young man made the trip exciting and at times, calm. To this day, the young man is still in the nations capitol, working and learning, and achieving things that he will some day be able to share with generations after him. The young lady may miss the young man like crazy, but the young lady also knows that their God has placed the ambition in the heart of this young man, and she knows that he will soon return home to share of his adventures in his nations capitol, Washington, D.C. Until then, she will pray, along with the young man's friends and family, for him to be safe and to have a wonderful time.

Here's Bryon's things, the night before we left for D.C. Well, the green bags and the white one, they're mine.
George Washington Memorial Parkway. We're on our way to D.C.!
Here's the view of our hotel from the outside...
...and here's the view from the inside!
This is Darlene, Bryon, Bob, and me in the Capitol Building on the first day. Thanks to Senator Carper for setting up the tour!
This is what we're standing on in the picture above. It's supposed to give us good luck!
What a pretty chandelier! It hangs in our nations Capitol Building.
I know this is awful, but I can't remember if this was the Old Supreme Court room or if it was some sort of chamber for something else! I still think it looks really nice, though.
Here's where Bryon will be working! Room 513 in the Senate Hart Office Building!
The Washington Monument
Erin and Bryon having dinner at Georgia Brown's.
Darlene and Bob having dinner at Georgia Brown's.
Erin and Bryon on the metro! We loved sitting in either the very front or the very back (well, preferably the front) because we liked to look out!
Here's the space craft in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum!
Honestly, it amazed me how much Bryon knew about all this stuff. I seriously had my own personal tour guide at this museum! :o) Thanks, Bryon.
Too bad I can't remember everything that he said to put it on here about the planes.
I do know this one broke the sound barrier...
I really like this picture.
I know this one's dark, but here it is! Isn't that neat?!
Ahhh!! My birthstone! What lovely jewelery!!!!

Oh my goodness! These pictures do not do the actual pieces justice! You must go see!

The Hope Diamond, in the Smithsonian National History Museum.
Okay, so here it is from the back...and I really like it...a lot!
Unfortunately, Fords Theatre was under construction, but we did get some pictures of the outside.
And across the street from the Theatre where President Lincoln was assassinated is the house where he took his last breath.Here's a replica of the bed in which he died. It's in the same spot. This was so amazing.
Bryon is staying in 'Letts Hall' at American University.
Here's a goodie box that I made for him. See those letters? There's one for each Saturday that he's gonna be there!

Look at where he had to put his refrigerator! It's a perfect fit.
A Patriotic bedspread!
Check this one out...Here's Bryon's clothes...
...and here is his roommates clothes.
Bryon and his Daddy hangin up his clothes.
Bryon and Erin in the top of the Washington Monument.
Here's a pic of the Whitehouse from the top of the Washington Monument.
Here's the mall...not a shopping mall...a grassy mall...and the World War II Memorial, and then the Reflective Pool, and then the Lincoln Memorial. We watched fireworks on that grass down there for the 4th.
Here's a helicopter.
This is where President Bush and the first lady, Laura, live.

These things are nuts!
The back of the Whitehouse, where we see President Bush talking during interviews on television.
Father and Son on the Fourth of July.
I will not mention names here, but I will tell you that it wasn't a boy and it wasn't me who decided that a certain picture of a person drenched in the rain before the fireworks was not allowed to be posted. :o)
I'll respect that, but nonetheless, I'll dedicate this spot to that picture!
It rained before the fireworks, stopped during the fireworks, and rained on our way home. Bob and Bryon still let me stop and we got ice cream while waking back to the hotel! These next couple of pictures also do not do the fireworks justice. You'd have to go to experience the full effect. They were wonderful!
Arlington National Cemetary.
President John F. Kennedy's eternal flame
Slaves were traded oh man...I stood there. It was amazing.
Bryon with his head in the end of a cannon.
Bryon, you surprised me with your strength! I had no idea you could hold up big huge anchors like this one.
Bob and Darlene
Erin and Bryon
Man. This was the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I have a new respect for these men.They guard through rain, snow, sleet, or matter what.
Bryon's papaw was an "MP" (military police). Notice the "MP" on the soldiers helmet in the left corner.
Here's the WWII Memorial. It is so very beautiful.
The Lincoln Memorial. "Thank you God for our founding fathers who helped build this nation on a foundation of faith in You."
Pretty picture of the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool.
Just read this.
Hi. I'm Erin. I'm from Ohio.
This is Bryon and Bob. They are from West Virginia.
Pretty WWII Memorial.
I seriously loved this time of evening. I think it was the first night that we got to D.C. and Bob, Bryon, and myself walked to the mall to see some of the memorials.
Last picture of the Washington Monument.